
I Get You
I was in your shoes
I have suffered from chronic allergies, low energy, maldigestion and malabsorption since I was a kid. I was able to find relief and healing once I began discovering the root cause of my symptoms. This is what functional medicine is all about. Through more comprehensive lab tests, I discovered I had small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) which in turned caused allergies (histamine intolerance), bloating, maldigestion, and malabsorption. All these causes in turn were contributing to my chronic fatigue.
Through nutrition, targeted supplementation, and lifestyle changes, I was able to start healing the root causes of my issues and, finally, start feeling better.
I love food. I’m a mother and wife. I enjoy eating at our favorite restaurants and feeding family and friends at home. For me, food is fun, love, connection, celebration and comfort. Making positive changes to our eating habits does not mean sacrificing our enjoyment of eating — at all. I am committed to helping you discover delicious and nutritious foods that will heal and fuel your body. We’ll do this together.

Clinical Nutritionist
Masters of Nutrition
This nutritionist is a foodie who fully believes you can have your cake and eat it too. Considered a professional in all things food, she’ll teach you to upgrade the quality of ingredients to support your body without sacrificing flavor. You’ll learn to plan your meals, shop for healthy ingredients and how to prepare foods you will enjoy. All to restore and regain the health you’ve been fighting for.
Clinical Nutritionist, Centro Naturopático
Functional Nutrition Resident, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald
Masters of Science in Nutrition, University of Bridgeport
Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Fine Dining, Institute for Culinary Education